Dab Tool A
Dab Tool A is a replacement piece for the dab tool that comes standard in just about any portable vaporizer. Dab Tool A has a handle on one end and a small, rounded scoop on the other that works best with stickier extracts. If you’re happy with the dab tool that came with your vaporizer and just need an inexpensive replacement, Dab Tool A is for you.
Dab Tool C
Dab Tool C has a pointy, flat edge on one end and a rounded scoop on the other. The flat-edge cuts through sticky extracts, while the scoop end is ideal for crumbly or saucy concentrates. The Dab Tool C’s flat edge is one of our favorites for scraping extracts off parchment paper.
Dab Tool D
Dab Tool D has a curved spatula on one end and is pointy on the other. Use Dab Tool D when you want to accurately load large amounts. The spatula can dump large, crumbly loads right where you want them. The pointy end provides a small contact point that makes it easier to load large balls of sticky extract onto your coils.
Dab Tool E
Don’t you hate loading a coil when the extract won’t let go of your dab tool? Dab Tool E has a handle on one end and a point on the other that’s perfect for loading sticky balls of extract right where you want them.
Dab Tool F
Dab Tool F is one of the more versatile dab tools we sell. One end has an angled flat edge with a point on the end that does anything from scraping and carving, to accurately loading sticky stuff. The other end of Dab Tool F is a paddle for loading dryer extracts, or scraping large areas of parchment paper.
Dab Tool G
Dab Tool G is our longest tool, with a paddle on one end and a small scoop on the other. Use the paddle to load large amounts, or the scoop for smaller amounts Dab Tool G is easy to use with dry extracts.
Silicone Dab Tool A
Silicone Dab Tool A is a replacement piece for the silicone dab tool that comes standard in many portable vaporizers. Dab Tool A has a handle on one end and a small, rounded scoop on the other with a removable silicone sleeve to keep dabs from sticking to them, but makes loading less precise. If you’re happy with the silicone dab tool that came with your vaporizer and just need an inexpensive replacement, Silicone Dab Tool A is for you.
Silicone Dab Tool C
Silicone Dab Tool C has a pointy, flat-edge on one end and a rounded scoop on the other, both covered with removable non-stick silicone sleeves to keep dabs from sticking to them, but make loading less precise. The flat-edge cuts through sticky extracts, while the scoop end is ideal for crumbly or saucy concentrates. The Dab Tool C’s flat edge is one of our favorites for scraping extracts of parchment paper.
Silicone Dab Tool D
Dab Tool D has a curved spatula on one end and is pointy on the other, both covered with removable non-stick silicone sleeves to keep dabs from sticking to them, but make loading less precise. Use Dab Tool D when you want to accurately load large amounts. The spatula can dump large, crumbly loads right where you want them. The pointy end provides a small contact point that makes it easier to load large balls of sticky extract onto your coils.